Unfortunately, there are plenty of digestive ailments that can affect our lives. They can make eating painful and difficult and add complications to our lives that we just don’t need. If you are looking to improve your digestive health, here is what you need to know to do so naturally.
HELP! Is what I used to scream when I first started my new eating lifestyle.
I was lost, confused, and angry that I had to change my diet to support my body as it continues to deal with an autoimmune disorder.
I would oscillate between joy that I felt so good with my new more healthy food choices, and then anger and sadness realizing that I had a new burden of packing my own food, getting it through check points, and storing it during the concerts.
I felt like the oddball.
Want something quick and easy that uses up some leftovers. Here’s a great salad you can make using left over protein from last night’s dinner.
Want a healthy and easy breakfast? Look no further! Lots of veggies, protein, and healthy fats in this meal.