What does it mean to commit? So many of think about commitment in terms of relationship, but do you ever consider what it means to commit in your everyday life and toward your everyday goals? Today examine your commitments to see if you have taken the steps to actually make them happen and see how this shapes and changes your view point of what commitment means in creating the best life ever. Read more to get ideas on changing your perspective on what it means to commit to yourself and create the life you want.
How are you doing with your vision board and your goal outlines? Did you do it on Monday? If not, why not? What got in your way? How could you work around those obstacles? Are you feeling like you need more help? Then reach out. Make sure you are not swirling in the same stew over an over. Nothing is more frustrating than trying to change and finding yourself stuck at the same place over and over because you are not sure how to move forward, do not have clarity about what you really want, or do not have the support you need to make your dreams come true.
Make sure to ask for help when you need it.
For those of us in the US, July brings up a sense of freedom. Freedom from schedules, freedom…
ahhhh … Balance
Balance, such an elusive idea. One many crave and few say they’ve found in their lives. What would your life look like if you had life balance? Can you describe it in detail?
How much do you love what you are doing? With your life? With your partner? With yourself? Are…