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5 Things to Think About Before Summer Chores or Play

It’s finally summertime! When I think of summertime I think of play. I think of lazy fun. And I think of easy days. I think I romanticize it a bit, don’t you?

Summertime is full of work, too! We’ve got gardening, lawn care, maintenance around our homes and land. There’s a possible painting job and maybe a big project like building a garage or home. All this activity takes a toll on the body. We often don’t think about our “work” the same way we think about taking care of our bodies during exercise but it still matters. Here are 5 things to do think about and do before doing summertime chores or play dates.
  1. Think about stretching. Move the body gently and stretch any muscles you will be working.
  2. Make sure you are strong enough to lift that bag, carry that cooler, move that log. If not get help. Use proper lifting techniques – keep the item close to your body, use your legs, and center the weight.
  3. Pay attention to your joints. Pay attention to the direction of your knees – they go in the same direction as your toes and nose. Trying to make them bend sideways ends up with a torn ACL. Shoulders are our most vulnerable joint. Care for it by making sure you aren’t over-extending or overloading it while lifting out and to the side or behind you.
  4. Your feet matter. It’s important to wear appropriate shoes for the activity. Going to be in the river? Make sure your feet aren’t slipping all over the place putting you at risk for a knee, ankle, or back injury.
  5. Hydrate! It’s important to drink enough liquids – the kind that aren’t diuretics (like alcohol) in the summer. The added heat and humidity drains us and our bodies need water to work well. Drink up often throughout your play or work.

And maybe we need a 6th – Don’t forget to have fun! Enjoy the long, lazy, dog days of summer this year!

Author: Stacy Reuille-Dupont: Dr. Stacy Reuille-Dupont, PhD, LAC, CPFT, CNC, licensed psychologist, addiction counselor, personal trainer, and nutrition coach. She’s passionate about helping people create a vibrant life using psychology and physiology. With over 25 years of coaching people to be their best, she understands how to make living healthily easy while finding adventure, inspiration, and balance.

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