Good home exercises are easy to do if you have appropriate equipment and space – which is surprising little (for ideas on home gym equipment and space requirements see the blog entry for Good home gym equipment ideas).Good home exercises begin with your current fitness level, your fitness goals, the equipment you have, and the space you’ll be using. Check out my Youtube Channel for more ideas on home workout exercises.
Equipment needs will be determined by:
Ability to overload your current fitness level
Space need
Possible home exercises will be determined by the equipment you’ve got. Here are some ideas to get you started on your home workout.
Use your body weight – push ups, pull ups, and squats effectively target the large muscle groups and may be challenging enough on their own. See the blog posts on how to do each of them for directions and good lower body exercises.
The following exercises are great home exercises and can be adapted to equipment (including soup cans and filled gallon jugs, stairs in your home, furniture/benches, etc) you’ve got on hand:
Chest press
Chest Fly
Back Row – narrow & wide
Lat Pulldown – using rubber tubing
Lat Overhead Pull – using Dumbbells or other external weight
Lateral / Frontal Raises
Overhead Press – narrow, wide, and reverse grip
Hammer Curl
Front Curl
Reverse Grip Curls
Curls in any form!
Overhead triceps press
French Press (also known as skull crushers)
Triceps extensions
Triceps pressdown using rubber tubing
Crunches of any variety
Reverse crunch
Lower Back:
Torso Lift
Lower Body Lift
Don’t forget to stretch when you are through – flexibility training keeps you strong throughout the entire movement range of each muscle and joint!
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