The middle of summer tends to make it harder to keep our workout routines. Its hot, the days are long and lazy, your on vacation, planning a vacation, or packing for vacation. Although, many people look forward to summertime weather to move their workout routines outdoors, many, even with the best plans and intentions, get way-laid by summer. How can you beat mid-summer workout blahs? Find a partner. Summer is a great time to enlist a friend and move together. There are some things to consider when choosing your workout partner. As wonderful as it is to have a person to workout with, it can be disastrous if you are not careful about who you pick to groove with.
First, make sure you are clear about your goals. What do you want to accomplish, how long do you have to do it, and what are you going to do to reach your goals? Be clear about your outcome, in the end what will you accomplish? Although, you do not have to have the same goal as your partner, it helps to have a clear vision so when you do share your activities each of you are still working toward your new lifestyles. Your workout pal needs to be able to support you and you need to support them. If you feel you would not be able to honestly help each other its best to find another partner. During this time of change a friend who is not genuinely supportive is only going to make the journey harder.
Second, make sure you choose someone who enjoys the same activity as you do. When choosing activities you’ll need to plan so you are able to reach your goals. You will not succeed if you need to walk fast and your friend wants to walk slow, or maybe just not at your level. Make sure you understand that there will be some compromise, however activity compromise should not compromise your end result. You may need to play a sport you don’t care much for, or you may need to get creative so you are each working at correct levels while working out together.
Third, decide a schedule and stick to it. You have made an important commitment to your friend, and without you , your friend may not reach their fitness goals. On the other hand you have made an important commitment yourself and you are the only one responsible for your choices, your activities, and the outcome. Once you have made the commitment to workout with someone you must show up. After, my mid-summer slump and my neighbor’s confession that she won’t walk alone, we teamed up and have yet to miss. More than once she has been the only reason I crawled out of bed.
Finally, in the end you are the one responsible for your workouts. A friend is a great way to support each other on the path to a healthier lifestyle, however, you must choose wisely. Find a workout pal who likes to do the same activities you do. Make sure you each understand each others’ goals and can be supportive of each other through great times and hard days. If you choose to workout with a partner, your partner is counting on you to help them reach their goal as much as you are counting on them for yours, do not let them down by not showing up, not caring, not putting in enough effort, or talking each other out of workouts. A workout buddy can be a great way to make sure you do your workouts, bond with friends, and stay accountable to someone other than yourself – if you treat them right.
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