I don’t know about you but I am not a huge fan of long, hot, draining days in the sun. Unless of course there is a beach within 100 yards of my towel and me on it. I have a hard time when the weather turns hot and I still have fitness goals. Here are some ways I beat the heat and keep exercising anyway. First, I make sure I have enough water or something to drink. Be careful here because caffeine and alcohol are diuretics and can deplete your system as you are trying to keep hydrated.
Then I try and pick the cooler times of the day. If I know I won’t be getting up early enough I have to plan my day so I am not too tired in the evening. If I know I’ve evening plans or a hard day of yard work or gardening I make sure to look at my larger week plan. Maybe I can swap a day of active rest (my gardening and yard work) for a scheduled workout day.
Last, make sure you make exercise a priority. This translates into scheduling your appointment to workout as you would any other appointment, getting enough sleep, fueling (eating) well to sustain your level of activity, and good planning.
All of these allow me the flexibility I need to keep my fitness goals moving forward and myself motivated.