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Its Halloween Time. The time when we put on costumes to pretend to be something or someone we are not. If you are of another tradition, it may be the time you connect with those from your past who have gone. This Halloween, think about how you are hiding from yourself pretending to be somebody you aren't, or how you are holding onto the past trying to get back to where you've been (ie thinner, faster, fitter). Don't dwell in the past. Reflect on the images and feelings those sentences bring up and use that information to redirect you toward your fitness goals. Here's how.

Don't Dwell In The Past

First, you can’t go back and trying to is futile. One of the hardest things in this world is to look upon today and know you have to accept it – and yourself – just as it is, today, in this moment. Don’t dwell in the past. You may wish you hadn’t gained weight or that you didn’t eat what you did for breakfast this morning – but matter of fact is you did.

So instead of fighting yourself in the past, bring your battle to the present moment. Look around. Notice and describe what is right in front of you. Know that in this moment you have the opportunity to choose what you want to do. From your deepest self – how do you want to live right now, what do you want to eat (or not) right now, and what active thing can you do right now. Do not get tricked into looking toward the future because as much as we cannot change the past we cannot predict what will happen in the future. All we have power over is now. Find the light.

If You Feel Overwhelmed - Seek Help

Second, why are you hiding? What are you hiding? Who are you hiding from? Some of these questions can bring up lots of “junk” we carry around with us. Things we believe about the world and ourselves. However,  if you feel overwhelmed by your answers its time to seek professional help. Find a good therapist who can help you unload and re-pack your bags with skills you need now to get the life you want.

If the answers are just difficult or uncomfortable, it may be time to look closer at them. For some, the answer(s) may be myself or my friends, my culture, my society, my community, my parents, my spouse, etc. It might be an event or past issue that still haunts you – re-read the first step again. Write your answers and revelations down.

Are You Ready To Move Forward?

Finally, decide what to do with the answers and thoughts that came up. Do you really want to move forward along your fitness journey? Studio B is a great place to start! Although, if you are not ready to quit hiding and start facing the choices you have in each moment, it may be best to just let go for now. On the other hand, if stopping is not an option how will you safely bring your true self forward? How will you make small changes each day? How will you continue to move forward along your fitness path? How will you let go of past hurts and ideals that are no longer helping you succeed today? Don’t dwell in the past.

All of these are big things to ponder. Remember change is a process and not about perfection. We cannot move forward before we are ready. But if you are – good luck, you can do this.

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Don't Dwell In The Past

Thank you for taking the first step in your journey to start focusing on the day. Take small steps each day to move forward and write down your revelations and thoughts.

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Author: Stacy Reuille-Dupont: Dr. Stacy Reuille-Dupont, PhD, LAC, CPFT, CNC, licensed psychologist, addiction counselor, personal trainer, and nutrition coach. She’s passionate about helping people create a vibrant life using psychology and physiology. With over 25 years of coaching people to be their best, she understands how to make living healthily easy while finding adventure, inspiration, and balance.

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