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Balance is not having a neat orderly life where everything fits just perfectly into each segment of your day. It’s about finding congruence in your thoughts, actions, and emotions. Then enjoying each of them to the max. That’s why I’m here to give you ways you Manifest Better Balance in Your Life on your own. Photo by Shiva Smyth from Pexel

Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.

Mahatma Gandhi

Ultimately our goal is to find purposeful activities in our everyday life and get rid of those that are not serving us. This helps us feel alignment in our actions and beliefs. Which leads to a life full of joyful and inspired wellness.

Have you thought about how being out of balance might be effecting your efforts to be more physically healthy?

For example: Does feeling imbalance, stress, overwhelm, collapse, or lethargic impact your food choices, your exercise habits, or your motivation and confidence levels?

Sometimes just noticing can be powerful.

By noticing how imbalance in your life affects other choices, helps illuminate the choice that change is necessary. When you have this necessity, change becomes easier.

After noticing how these imbalances are effecting you, can you see ways to change and stop patterns of behavior? If not you are not alone.

Other times it may be incredibly difficult to change. Even though it becomes obvious you are self-defeating the hard work you are doing (or have done) to live more healthy. Also very common. If change were easy everyone would be doing it much more often and I would be out of a job.

Once you have determined areas of your life you want to change it is easy to blame why you don’t change on others:

  • My kids need too much
  • My significant other doesn’t want to eat healthy
  • I have too much to do
  • I am taking care of my parents
  • the list could go on …

The bottom line is change is hard.

There is a reason you are caught in the patterns you are caught in. If you really want your life to look different you will have to figure out ways to make differences happen. Small steps can make that happen.

5 Ideas to Manifest Better Balance in Your


  1. Write Down Your Goals
    This is so important and so many skip this step. They have the image or idea of the big goal, but without getting it out of their heads and into their daily life change is not going to happen. By writing it down you can solidify and shift focus to determine the smalls steps that break down the big goal.
  2. Delegate.
    Are there jobs you do (laundry, cleaning, cooking, errands, car pooling) that others could do. Hint: they will do it differently than you and that is ok.
  3. Create Some Boundaries.
    Do you need to tell people no more often – “no I can’t cook X for the upcoming pot-luck”, “no I can’t coach soccer this fall”. Get clear about what you want. This is critical to honoring yourself and others in your actions. Be kind, open, and honest when turning down offers and be ready for resistance from people who are used to hearing yes.
  4. Create a Goal Poster.
    Clip pictures of your life vision and set the intention to achieve them. Place it where you will see it often everyday.
  5. Commit to Live with Intention.

    In each moment ask yourself; if this is what you want to be doing or thinking and honestly listen for the answer.

    • When you find yourself answering no decide what you do want to be doing and make efforts to move in that direction.
    • This is not a suggestion to shrink from life responsibilities. All of us would rather be doing something else at times but stop and listen to what that thing is. So that you begin to see a pattern of what is working and what is not working in your life.
    • By visualizing what you want you are better able to recognize activities which might move you in that direction. By doing those activities more often you are more likely to get the life you want one step at a time

If you are looking for a planner that can help with managing these steps and organizing your life better take a look at Commit30 journals. I personally love these planners and they are a local company! It’s a win win!

If you feel balanced right now you may want to think about strategies to keep it that way. So that you have more tools in your toolshed and you are able to handle any curve ball life throws at you.

Today make the first step to manifest better balance in your life by deciding it is time for a change and take action.

The goal of Dr. Stacy Reuille-Dupont is to help you live a life of contentment and peace, excitement and energy while living an embodied life. Feel free to request an appointment today!


Thank you for taking the first step in your journey to manifest better balance into your life.

Learn more and reach out!

As always, if you are struggling to engage fully in your life and would like to see how psychology might be able to help you contact me today!

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The goal of Dr. Stacy Reuille-Dupont is to help you live a life of contentment and peace, excitement and energy while living an embodied life. Feel free to request an appointment today!

Author: Stacy Reuille-Dupont: Dr. Stacy Reuille-Dupont, PhD, LAC, CPFT, CNC, licensed psychologist, addiction counselor, personal trainer, and nutrition coach. She’s passionate about helping people create a vibrant life using psychology and physiology. With over 25 years of coaching people to be their best, she understands how to make living healthily easy while finding adventure, inspiration, and balance.

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