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Guest Post by: Dorothy Watson of the Mental Wellness Center

We can become accustomed to bad habits. But, we can free ourselves by cutting habits that aren't beneficial and make meaningful strides toward health, wellness, and joy. Below are some practical things that you can stop doing TODAY so that you can make room for a better you!

Staying at an Unfulfilling Job

First of all, you spend a lot of your life at work. So, if you hate your job, chances are it is having a negative impact on your life. Whether your job is boring, not accommodating your talents or desires, or simply too stressful, make a change now.

These days, you can get a college degree while still balancing the other responsibilities in your life. Taking online courses will help you boost your career prospects and give you the flexibility you need to focus on family, work, and other commitments. For instance, pursuing a bachelor of science in business, information technology, or health administration could open up all kinds of opportunities for your future. Just make sure that any online school you consider is accredited and offers competitive tuition costs.

Cutting Habits of Waiting to Get Started

Too many people wait to make meaningful changes in their lives until there is no longer an opportunity to make them. Don’t wait for your situation or circumstances to be perfect before you change your career, try a new hobby, start a family, or make other moves. If you wait for the stars to align, you may find yourself looking back at missed opportunities.

Cutting Habits of Skipping Over Your Own Needs

Did you know that you could be a great parent, family member, friend, and citizen without living to please others? Taking care of your needs does not make you selfish. Each of us has a unique personality and chemical makeup, which means that none of us have the same exact needs. Make time to relax, recharge, and navigate any mental, emotional, and physical health issues that are keeping you from reaching your goals.

Cutting the Habit of Not Taking Care of Your Health

This bad habit sort of falls in line with the previous one. You must carve out time in your daily schedule to foster your mental, emotional, and physical health. Make sure you are exercising at least five days a week and eating a nutritious, balanced diet. Also, come up with a bedtime routine that helps you get at least seven hours of sleep each night. There are strong links between our psychology and physiology, and making simple strides toward better exercise, eating, and sleeping routines can do wonders for all-around health.

Stop Dwelling on the Past or Future

One of the hardest things to do in life is to embrace the present. Each of us has made mistakes and experienced moments in the past which we wish would have gone differently. However, other than learning lessons, it does no good to dwell on the past. And at the same time, you shouldn’t try to predict the outcomes of the future. If you want to dream about what’s to come, focus on envisioning your goals rather than fantasizing about unrealistic circumstances.

Cutting Habits and Stop Neglecting to Get Help

If you live with depression, anxiety, ADHD, or any other mental health issues, you are not alone. There are many more people throughout the world that deal with similar conditions. There are so many, in fact, that there are professionals who dedicate their life’s work to helping individuals navigate such issues. Don’t be afraid of reaching out for help. If you are ready to transform your life and receive the guidance you need for navigating the challenges ahead, connect with a mental health professional today!

Sometimes, self-improvement is being proactive about eliminating harmful behaviors or thoughts. If you relate to any of the habits above, start making the changes you need to make right now. And always be open to other ways you can develop healthy habits and mindsets that will keep you on track to becoming a better you!

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To get started on changing some of your habits, you can change your workout routine. Or get into healthier eating habits.

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Taking time to change habits that are ingrained into your life is HARD but once you start doing it, it becomes a lifestyle AND you’ll start to thrive.

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Author: Stacy Reuille-Dupont: Dr. Stacy Reuille-Dupont, PhD, LAC, CPFT, CNC, licensed psychologist, addiction counselor, personal trainer, and nutrition coach. She’s passionate about helping people create a vibrant life using psychology and physiology. With over 25 years of coaching people to be their best, she understands how to make living healthily easy while finding adventure, inspiration, and balance.

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