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Sometimes we just need a meditation to stop our minds from spinning in circles. They race around with thoughts like we are solving all the world’s problems at once. Those thoughts might be negative, angry, frustrating, and at the very least distracting.  To stop our “monkey mind” from jumping around it can be helpful to give it something to focus on.

A statement, phrase, or mantra can be the perfect thing to help our minds settle down stop racing around us.

In this meditation, we focus on the mantra “I am”. We do not have to be more or less than we are right now, at this moment. Often we are so identified with our jobs, life roles, cultural “shoulds”, and other people’s opinions. Instead, take some time to focus on being you at this moment.

Focus on the fact that just being here is enough. You are enough just as you are.  You matter, have value and are worthy just because you are.

So settle in and spend some time reviewing “I am” with no need to qualify yourself as anything but your being.

"I am" Meditation to stop our minds from spinning

I hope you enjoyed this meditation to stop our minds from spinning!

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Thank you for taking the first step in your journey by using this meditation to stop our heads from spinning.

Taking time to silence our minds IS HARD but once you start doing it, it becomes a lifestyle AND it all starts with this meditation.

Learn more, love yourself more, and reach out!

And as always, if you are struggling to engage fully in your life and would like to see how psychology might be able to help you contact me today!

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Author: Ashley Muckway