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When I speak about mental health, I approach it as a whole system mind AND body.

Everyone deserves therapy because it is an important part in our overall health and wellbeing. But to begin to work with our bodies, we need to first have a good foundation about what mental health is and the effects it can have on our systems.

So, what is mental health? Mental health is a state of well-being. It helps us to cope with stressors, learn well, and contribute to our communities according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Mental health is important for everyone (not just those with an illness or serious and persistent mental illness (SPMI)). Learning to maintain it is key to personal and social development. 

What are the differences between illness and SPMI?

All of us have mental challenges we face throughout life, but not everyone has a chronic mental health disease. You may experience a moment of depression or have some heightened anxiety surrounding certain aspects of life, but someone with a chronic disease will have these illnesses to the point of it being debilitating.

SPMI is a huge disruption to the nervous system. The entire body is thrown out of balance when our neurology is firing to interpret our shifting perceptions and what we determine as real. We have heightened these natural reactions based on our lived experiences. We all need to learn how to regulate emotions and thoughts to move through life intentionally. Those without SPMI can seek psychological treatments to create a thriving life, while those with SPMI will usually need long-term, ongoing treatments.  

The next step to understanding mental health is to identify some key influencing features: genetics, environmental, and situational.


Studies have led to the conclusion that trauma can be passed on by epigenetics through generations. So, it is important to do the work now to end the transmission to the next generation (Yehuda, Lehrner). Epigenetics centers around the study of the gene expression being modified, meaning certain environmental factors could change our chemical reactions in our bodies. AND YES! You can stop the cycle, even in your genes! 

But to put the next generation in a better place you must create a fulfilling life for yourself now! Which is why EVERYONE deserves therapy. 



Environmental aspects of mental health can include toxic relationships, uninspiring spaces, chemicals, or food. Food, and our gut biome, is a direct influence on the nervous system. YUP, another reference to how the body and mind are connected. Many people may not realize the food they consume the night before can lead to poor sleep or a mental fog the next day. So the next time you have something “junkie” observe how you feel the next day. Not only can it have short term impacts, but the inflammation in the gut can be a part of what is driving depression, anxiety, ADHD.

Expanding on our environmental impact, life situations such as poverty can cause serious trauma. The human system is always moving towards healing (or attempting to). However, our bodies need the right fuel, nutrition, exercise and social engagement to build our brains and regulate our nervous systems. Someone who confronts poverty daily may not have the capacity to change their environmental factors and are at a disadvantage. Learning the cause of one’s mental illness is an initial step. But having the right tools to heal is just as important! Therapy will guide you to understanding what your body may need more or less of.  

All of us can probably think of an environmental stressor that is currently affecting our lives, even if you may not know how to manage and then heal it. Which is another reason EVERYONE deserves therapy.


The one area most of us might be familiar with is situational. These are events that transpire, like dealing with loss or shifting roles, which force us to confront a new world. Many of us can pinpoint times in our lives that we are still trying to work through but may not have the appropriate tools to accomplish this goal. On the other hand, some of you may be experiencing the symptoms and unable to pinpoint the problem. Our breathing can become shallow in unexpected moments, a feeling of being unsafe. 

I work hard to help people understand that being loved and feeling lovable should be present in our lives because we exist. It is not a condition of producing something for the larger group or performing a particular way to fit in. It’s something we deserve.

Why EVERYONE Deserves Therapy

Mental Health is Serious

Mental health impacts physical health and vice versa which is why a holistic approach to your healing is key. Mental health and understanding its impact on our bodies and lives is important because it will allow us to thrive rather than just survive. 

Many people are going through survival mode when their basic needs are not being met. It is hard to create a fulfilling life when most of your energy is being focused on getting through the day-to-day menagerie.

It comes down to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Maslow points out that we need to have our basic needs met first. If we do not, we will be stuck in survival mode. If we do, we can move through the steps to self actualization.

Put simply, it is not possible to bring your personal gifts into the world if you are worried about what to eat or shelter or safety.

Everyone deserves to thrive; to create a magnetic and powerful life without worrying over basic needs.

Clients who need mental health treatment may be in the worst position to access it. They may have difficulties dealing with daily life, then daily life continues to decline as they don’t spend the time or don’t have the money to work on themselves. 

Accessibility of care is a huge disparity between communities. Payment providers create situations where clinics need grants to survive and then become overworked and understaffed (many clinicians then limiting how many clients they see and insurances they accept). 

Everyone Deserves Therapy

There is social shame and stigmas surrounding mental health. It’s not right, but it’s true.  These stigmas can create a disparity in quality and affordability of care. We can all move towards changing this by talking about mental health, what it is, and why it’s important. This will help break the stigma!

At Studio B, we work towards this goal by freely talking about mental health and ways we can create a more thriving life! We focus on activity throughout your body and connect your mental health to the movements. 

Everyone deserves therapy because mental health is a basic right that helps us thrive. 

Studio B can help teach you what is going on in your body, focusing on movement, nutrition, and social connection. We help you create yourself. We take steps to change your behavioral lifestyle in fun ways. 

Stop into our Studio or contact us to find out more and start moving today!

If you want to start taking small steps today to work on your mental health try a quick meditation or reflect inward and take time to love yourself.

Thank you for taking the first step in your journey to mental wellness.

Taking time to understand our mental state of well-being IS HARD but once you start doing it, it becomes a lifestyle AND it all starts with therapy.

Learn more, love yourself more, and reach out!

And as always, if you are struggling to engage fully in your life and would like to see how psychology might be able to help you contact me today!

15 Minute Q&AFree Life Assessment with Studio B

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Author: Ashley Muckway