Are you one of those people who just can’t seem to get to the gym – ever? You have great intentions and are ready to commit but for multiple reasons you just don’t seem to have the time to get down the road to the gym. If you are motivated a home workout can be just as effective and may be more rewarding than a visit to the health club.
Good Equipment for Your Home Gym
Setting up a home gym requires a little planning and can be very affordable. First you’ll want to evaluate your current fitness level and your fitness goals and then make sure to have equipment on hand to help you progress from where you are to where you want to go. Equipment to consider:
Dumbbells / hand weights – sizes will depend on your current level and goals. Typically sold price/pound so keep that in mind when deciding how much you really need
Rubber tubbing – most brands yellow is easiest & blue or black hardest. Check brands for resistance weight of their color matrix to be sure. Heavy lifters – you can purchase braided tubing for increased resistance – you’ll be surprised at the amount of difficulty it creates.
A bench – is using a home decoration/functional bench make sure it is stable enough to be safe and offer you full range of motion during your exercises.
Step – stairs in your home work just fine if you’ll use them
Medicine balls and/or kettle bells – easier to hold for some exercises than dumbbells but not a necessity to have both DB and medicine balls/kettle bells. BOSU or other stability challenging device – air steps, discs, dots, foam rollers, etc
Good home exercises are as plentiful as those in the gym free weight area provided you are creative when purchasing your equipment and finding space. You’ll want to make sure you have enough space to complete the exercises through full range of motion without destroying your home – it actually takes very little space if you can be creative with your movements – but stay safe. Consider home much furniture you’ll realistically move around daily. Many drop their home workouts because it is too much work in the space they have designated and remember – the best workout is one you will do!