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Putting Possibility Into Your Workout

Monday we discussed accountability. You are responsible for you. You and only you have the power to change your life, and you must take responsibility for your actions. The other half of taking accountability is to know your options. Now we are going to discuss possibilities. Again, you and only you have the power to decide your possibilities, but this is much more fun.

Many times I see people who do not understand they have lots of options. Yea, they may know about them, but they are not tangible in their lives so they rule them out. For example; if you feel you want to become more active, but do not have equipment, you may feel strength training is not an option for you. Many of us get stuck, we find a rut and we stay there. Why I ask you, why?

Once you have determined your goal, have made it a priority, and are ready to be accountable to yourself for following through, it is time to dream up all the possibilities. What do you want to do? How many different ways can you get there? Where will you go first? What will you do first? Who will be working with you? When will you start? The list goes on. Try this exercise: Begin by re-reading your goal. Remember, if you put something down on paper it becomes more real – write your goal down.

Then develop a list of prioritized actions that will help you reach your goal. For example: First priority – today I will eat well. I will make healthy meal and snack choices so I have the energy to make it through my day feeling good. You should become more specific and write down the items you are planning to eat for optimum adherence. Second priority – I will walk for at least twenty minutes today – best if you write down the place and time in your daily calender or where ever you plan your day or are journaling your goal. Third priority – I will make sure I get enough sleep tonight so I am ready to begin a great day tomorrow.

See how easy it can be. I know you are thinking, “Yea easy to say and write down; easy to do? I don’t think so”. That is where you call upon your discipline, your list of priorities, and your accountability measures to help support your efforts. Remember, no one is going to do this for you. It is all you!

Author: Stacy Reuille-Dupont: Dr. Stacy Reuille-Dupont, PhD, LAC, CPFT, CNC, licensed psychologist, addiction counselor, personal trainer, and nutrition coach. She’s passionate about helping people create a vibrant life using psychology and physiology. With over 25 years of coaching people to be their best, she understands how to make living healthily easy while finding adventure, inspiration, and balance.

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