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Winter Outside Activity Ideas

By Activities, Body3 min read

Here’s some ideas for those of you who live in snow country.  Are you starting to feel a bit of cabin fever?  Many of us without snow still feel cabin fever about this time, so what can we do to beat the pent up feeling?  Get outside and enjoy winter of course! (For those not living in snow you can do your favorite year-round outdoor activities but getting outside can still help the winter blahs)


Even if you take a few turns around your yard, driveway, block, or neighborhood, you’ll feel better after being outside even if briefly.

Nordic Walking:

This is a small twist on our basic walking routine. You just add poles. This helps increase your caloric expenditure and I find it more engaging than just walking.

Cross Country Skiing:

Hook yourself up to some boards, grab some poles, and go! Cross Country skiing is one of the best aerobic exercises out there, and we have great trails just minutes from you. Many golf courses sport cross country skiing in the winter. Since both your arms and legs are moving you’ll create a huge calorie burn! There is a reason this is called the great-grandparent of all skiing.

Snow Shoeing:

If you can walk you can snowshoe! Strap on the much lighter and easier to use designs of today and get hiking. Again, you can find great trails within minutes, and you can use your shoes in a variety of snows. It is peaceful, relaxing, and a great way to get your heart pumping during winter.

Down Hill Skiing and Snowboarding:

Alpine or Downhill skiing and snowboarding are direct descendants of cross country skiing. Great lessons in physics and energy, downhill and snowboarding are other great ways to enjoy a winter workout and our beautiful area while being active.


Sliding downhill is a great winter sport. Its a cool way to pay off the uphill hike ! Plus it gets you to repeat over and over. Use caution and common sense as many injuries are a result of sledding. This is a cheap and easy way to enjoy quality family time and the outdoors.

Ice Skating:

Gliding across the frozen pond, twirling, and gaining speed, how graceful, or imagine a fast game of hockey chasing a puck across the frozen water with intensity and great friends. Broomball comes in next – Heart pounding, easy to learn, and we have a rink in every neighborhood!


When I explained this sport to folks in the south they were a bit perplexed. They never really got it. It could have been my explanation, but they kept getting stuck on rocks and sweeping – they never made the connection.

Ice Fishing:

Ok, this is only a workout depending on your preference for movement. Where did you park, how did you get to your spot, what will you be doing while you are fishing? The answers to your questions will determine what type of exercise this is, but if you park and hike in, and limit your fishing activities to fishing, it can be a great workout hauling things out and back and a wonderful way to enjoy a winter day.

Ice Climbing:

Looking for a great adventure – try ice climbing. This is the winter version of rock climbing, and once again there is great ice around here! Grab a buddy and take a class you’ll be hooked and ready to yell “climb on”.

Lose cabin fever by heading outside. I bet you can come up with more outside activities, so get moving and enjoy our winter days before they are gone for another year. Happy adventures!

Author: Stacy Reuille-Dupont: Dr. Stacy Reuille-Dupont, PhD, LAC, CPFT, CNC, licensed psychologist, addiction counselor, personal trainer, and nutrition coach. She’s passionate about helping people create a vibrant life using psychology and physiology. With over 25 years of coaching people to be their best, she understands how to make living healthily easy while finding adventure, inspiration, and balance.

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