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Thanksgiving is traditionally a time of family gatherings and lots of good food (even if not so healthy), many of which are long-time comforts for you. Thanksgiving is also a time of gratitude. A day to be thankful for all that you have in life, not a day to beat yourself up over an extra helping of grandma’s best pie she made just for you. With those thoughts in mind let’s set some guidelines on how YOU can stay on track with your health goals this Thanksgiving.

First, practice moderation for your health goals.

  • Try to keep your portion sizes reasonable and go back for seconds only after you have given yourself time to determine whether you really want seconds or not. That’s what the traditional Thanksgiving nap is for right?
  • Watch the beverages, remember they are calories, too.
  • Be aware of everything you consume. That also goes for the snacks you consume as you are making all the goodies for dinner. Many of us unconsciously consume calories as we taste, snack, visit, and gather. Try to pay attention to what you put in your mouth.
  • Be proactive. Bring a healthy food item to snack on or contribute to the family meal. At least you’ll have one great healthy choice. Eat something small before you meet up with the group. This way you will not be famished, which can lead to overeating.

Second, suggest something active after the meal.

  • Start a new thanksgiving tradition and go for a walk after the big meal.
  • Engage the children in your gathering in a game of hide-n-seek or tag.
  • Do not forget the importance of dishwashing. All that cooking and cleaning do burn calories. Just make sure not to consume the same amount in snacking while you are completing these tasks! It defeats the purpose of your sparkling dish rack. Get others to help clean and you will create bonding time as well.
  • Play games. Games like charades, Twister, gestures, and others allow you to use your brain and your body, plus they are hilarious to watch and play. All that laughing does wonders for your health!

Third, relax and enjoy your day.

For many of us, Thanksgiving is a time to rest and rejuvenate. Keep in mind the spirit of the day and enjoy it.

Stay present in the moment of the day and you will find that watching portions, snacking, and having fun are all taken care of. You just have to stay focused!

Achieve those health goals this Thanksgiving.

Thank you for taking the first step in your journey to shift your eating habits!

Taking time to eat healthy IS HARD (especially during the holidays) but sticking with your health goals will help keep you on track. Stay healthy this thanksgiving amongst all the temptations!

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Author: Stacy Reuille-Dupont: Dr. Stacy Reuille-Dupont, PhD, LAC, CPFT, CNC, licensed psychologist, addiction counselor, personal trainer, and nutrition coach. She’s passionate about helping people create a vibrant life using psychology and physiology. With over 25 years of coaching people to be their best, she understands how to make living healthily easy while finding adventure, inspiration, and balance.

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